With the cost of living going up all around us, it has never been more important to try and save as much money as possible. And, with a few simple changes to the way you operate your home, you could begin to see a reduction in your energy bills again.
Firstly, while it may seem obvious, make sure you get the habit of switching off the light every time you leave a room, even if you plan on going back in there later. You can also take advantage of opening curtains and using other light sources such as candles if it is too dark without the light on.
Secondly, consider doing fuller loads of laundry. By not separating your garments into smaller loads, you are only running a single cycle, which will use less energy in the long-run.
Another factor to think about is how you leave your electronic devices when you go out to work or head up to bed. Even on standby or sleep mode, your TV, for example, will continue using energy. Developing a habit of switching everything off at the plug when not in use helps.
Your kitchen also generates a lot of energy each day. You can save here by not completely filling your kettle so it boils quicker, or opting to cook something in the microwave for a few minutes instead of your oven for half an hour or more.
While effective draught-proofing and efficient heating systems will save you the most money per year, every little effort always adds up.