Should a fire occur at your property, do not try and tackle the blaze. Please vacate the property immediately, call the fire brigade and then inform our office on 01472 311116
If you can smell gas or believe there to be a gas leak, you must evacuate the property immediately. Then contact National Grid Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999.
Only after the above should you contact our office on 01472 311116 to report the situation.
Should you require a plumber out of hours please contact:
• Jackson, Green & Preston Plumber 07946 736095
*If your Landlord has arranged for your rented property to be covered by an Emergency Insurance Scheme, such as British Gas Home Care, Anglian Water, etc. you MUST contact the Emergency Helpline Number in the information you have been given. Details of insurance cover will be included in your welcome pack where applicable and in the Special Clause section towards the back of your Tenancy Agreement. You may incur costs if you do not follow this procedure.
If your alarm is not functioning correctly, please try replacing the batteries before reporting a fault. As the occupier of the property, it is your responsibility to ensure alarms are maintained on a regular basis.
Should your Carbon Monoxide alarm sound, please evacuate the property and call our office immediately on 01472 311116. For out of hours, contact:
• Jackson, Green & Preston Plumber Tel: 07946 736095
In the event of the alarm being mains powered, please check the battery backup before reporting the fault through our online facility.
For out of hours repairs on mains powered alarms contact:
• R-Chiz Electrical Services Tel: 07825661715
Should you be unsure as to whether an alarm is battery or mains operated, please contact the office on 01472 311116 and a member of staff will be able to assist.
If you experience any problems with your home security alarm please report the issue through our online facility, providing as much information as possible.
For out of hours contact:
• Alarm Tech 2000 Tel: 01472 502000
*If your Landlord has arranged for your rented property to be covered by an Emergency Insurance Scheme, such as British Gas Home Care, Anglian Water, etc. you MUST contact the Emergency Helpline Number in the information you have been given. Details of insurance cover will be included in your welcome pack where applicable and in the Special Clause section towards the back of your Tenancy Agreement. You may incur costs if you do not follow this procedure.
Please report any issues through our online facility, providing as much information as possible.
In the event of a toilet blockage, please ensure you have tried everything before you report this problem. If the blockage is found to have been caused by misuse, you will be liable for any contractor call out charges.
Should a leak occur, please treat this as an emergency, turn the water off at the stop cock and then contact our office on 01472 311116.
For out of hours emergencies, please contact:
• Jackson, Green & Preston Plumber Tel: 07946 736095
Should the property only consist of one toilet, bath or shower, and that amenity requires repair, please contact the office on 01472 311116 so the issue can be attended to more promptly.
*If your Landlord has arranged for your rented property to be covered by an Emergency Insurance Scheme, such as British Gas Home Care, Anglian Water, etc. you MUST contact the Emergency Helpline Number in the information you have been given. Details of insurance cover will be included in your welcome pack where applicable and in the Special Clause section towards the back of your Tenancy Agreement. You may incur costs if you do not follow this procedure.
Please report any issues through our online facility, providing as much information as possible.
In the event of a blockage, please ensure you have tried everything before you report this problem. If the blockage is found to have been caused by misuse, you will be liable for any contractor call out charges.
Should a leak occur, please treat this as an emergency, turn the water off at the stop cock and then contact our office on 01472 311116.
For out of hours emergencies please contact:
• Jackson, Green & Preston Plumber Tel: 07946 736095
*If your Landlord has arranged for your rented property to be covered by an Emergency Insurance Scheme, such as British Gas Home Care, Anglian Water, etc. you MUST contact the Emergency Helpline Number in the information you have been given. Details of insurance cover will be included in your welcome pack where applicable and in the Special Clause section towards the back of your Tenancy Agreement. You may incur costs if you do not follow this procedure.
Should a problem occur with a communal or shared facility, we recommend that you inform the management company of the issue. Their contact details should be in your property pack. Please inform our office once this issue has been reported.
Should you be unable to contact the management company, please report the problem through our online facility providing as much information as possible.
If access cannot be gained to the property, please contact our office 01472 311116. For out of hours contact:
• Safe & Secure Tel: 01472 313631
For any non emergency issues please submit your repair through our online facility providing as much information as possible.
*If your Landlord has arranged for your rented property to be covered by an Emergency Insurance Scheme, such as British Gas Home Care, Anglian Water, etc. you MUST contact the Emergency Helpline Number in the information you have been given. Details of insurance cover will be included in your welcome pack where applicable and in the Special Clause section towards the back of your Tenancy Agreement. You may incur costs if you do not follow this procedure.
In the event of a broken window or lock, please contact the office on 01472 311116 or for out of office hours:
• Safe & Secure Tel: 01472 313631
For any non emergency issues please submit your repair through our online facility providing as much information as possible.
In the event of a power failure, whether it is to a specific area or the whole house, please check if a circuit breaker requires resetting before contacting the office.
If circuit breakers do not require resetting, please contact the office on 01472 311116 or for out of hours contact:
• R-Chiz Electrical Services Tel: 07825661715
For any other electrical emergencies, please see contact details above. If your repair is not an emergency please submit your repair through our online facility providing as much information as possible.
*If your Landlord has arranged for your rented property to be covered by an Emergency Insurance Scheme, such as British Gas Home Care, Anglian Water, etc. you MUST contact the Emergency Helpline Number in the information you have been given. Details of insurance cover will be included in your welcome pack where applicable and in the Special Clause section towards the back of your Tenancy Agreement. You may incur costs if you do not follow this procedure.
In the event of no heating or hot water please check the following items before contacting the office:
1) The boiler is switched on and where necessary that the heating and water temperatures are turned up
2) The timer is correct and where applicable the thermostat is set
3) There is credit on the gas and electricity meters
4) The boiler pressure is correct *please refer to instruction manual found in welcome pack
5) Sufficient time has passed to allow the boiler to heat the water
6) Should the property have no boiler, ensure the immersion or heating provision is switched on
Should the above not resolve your issue, please contact the office on 01472 311116 or out of office:
• Jackson, Green & Preston Plumber Tel: 07946 736095
*If the boiler manual is not present please inform our office on 01472 311116 and will try and source on your behalf.
In the event of a leak, please turn the water off at the stop cock and then contact our office as a matter of urgency on 01472 311116.
For all other non emergencies please submit your repair through our online facility providing as much information as possible.
*If your Landlord has arranged for your rented property to be covered by an Emergency Insurance Scheme, such as British Gas Home Care, Anglian Water, etc. you MUST contact the Emergency Helpline Number in the information you have been given. Details of insurance cover will be included in your welcome pack where applicable and in the Special Clause section towards the back of your Tenancy Agreement. You may incur costs if you do not follow this procedure.
Mould is often caused by condensation that has formed on cold parts of the property such as; around window frames, in the corners of rooms and in places of high humidity (kitchen and bathroom). It is the responsibility of the Tenant to control condensation and any mould that forms as a result. Condensation should be wiped down daily and small patches of mould should be wiped away.

Please click here to read our helpful guide on controlling condensation.
Condensation can often be mistaken for damp but there are times when rising damp and penetrating dampness can occur.
If you are experiencing something similar to the below image, this can be a sign of rising damp and should be reported to the office through our online facility.

If you are experiencing something similar to the below image, this can be a sign of penetrating dampness. Please check around the area both inside and out for any possible causes such as; a leak or blocked gutters and report to the office through our online facility.

*If your Landlord has arranged for your rented property to be covered by an Emergency Insurance Scheme, such as British Gas Home Care, Anglian Water, etc. you MUST contact the Emergency Helpline Number in the information you have been given. Details of insurance cover will be included in your welcome pack where applicable and in the Special Clause section towards the back of your Tenancy Agreement. You may incur costs if you do not follow this procedure.
If your tenancy has just commenced, please report any issues with vermin and pests through our online facility. Unfortunately, we are unable to offer any assistance with ants and recommend the purchase of ant powder or an ant station.
If your tenancy is ongoing, it is the occupier’s responsibility to make suitable arrangements for treatment. Please contact our office for recommended pest control.
Should an infestation occur due to a disrepair that is the landlord’s responsibility, such as mice entering the property through a crack, please report to the office through our online facility.
*If your Landlord has arranged for your rented property to be covered by an Emergency Insurance Scheme, such as British Gas Home Care, Anglian Water, etc. you MUST contact the Emergency Helpline Number in the information you have been given. Details of insurance cover will be included in your welcome pack where applicable and in the Special Clause section towards the back of your Tenancy Agreement. You may incur costs if you do not follow this procedure.