As winter approaches, it’s only natural to be concerned about how you’ll afford to stay warm over the coming months, especially with the rise in energy and living costs. However, considering a few small changes could help to alleviate the financial strain a little.
1. Checking your home is properly insulated is a must for ensuring any heat you do produce doesn’t escape. This goes double for your body too. Opting for a chunky jumper, dressing gown or fluffy slippers could allow you to turn your heating down a notch, which will mean an overall saving on your monthly bill.
2. If you haven’t yet upgraded your boiler to a more modern system, this could be the year to do so, as operating a more efficient system will help you to save annually. The same applies to your other appliances, such as your washing machine. If you have the means to invest in upgrades to these facilities, better energy efficiency will save you money long-term.
3. You could consider installing a Smart Thermostat in your home. Smart Thermostats allow you to change the temperature or switch the heating on and off remotely as and when you please, meaning you can heat your room just in time for waking up or returning home without having to leave the heating on all day or night. These thermostats can also learn patterns, and work efficiently to ensure you have heating only at the exact right times.