The effect of soaring costs has impacted us all. Our fuel has gone up, the cost of our weekly shop, plus those all-important household bills and rental values. But, it’s not all doom and gloom. There are a few ways you can cut back to help cope with the strain.
If you have a spare room or rooms, you could consider renting these out to make a little extra on the side without too much overhead spending for yourself. Equally, you could convert unused garage space into a storage facility or other area for people to pay to use, or charge a small fee for visitors to park on your driveway during busy periods such as local events or football matches.
You may already be on the best tariff for your gas, water and electricity, but chances are there is a better value option out there for you to switch to, or some discounts you can apply for. Similarly, you could switch to a cheaper phone or broadband provider. Shopping around for deals, especially those targeted at new customers, could help you to put a little more aside each month.
You can lower your monthly bills by making small lifestyle changes in the home. Switch out electric fans for open windows, use blankets instead of your heating, switch off your light when you leave a room, and remember to turn off your TV and similar devices at the plug rather than leaving them on standby.